Tuesday, October 26, 2010

:: Keyboard Layout on Xorg ::

Bom, esta dica vai pra quem tem teclado abnt2 e não entende porque seu linux não obedece mais aquela boa e velha configuração de teclado no /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Pra encurtar a história (quer saber mais? pesquisa no google), agora o Xorg obedece o que o hal tem a dizer sobre o assunto (input devices).

Então sendo bem direto, faça o seguinte:
  • Digite:
# lshal | grep xkb
  • O resultado deve ser algo como:
input.xkb.layout = 'us' (string)
input.xkb.model = 'evdev' (string)
input.xkb.options = 'terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' (string)
input.xkb.rules = 'base' (string)
input.xkb.variant = '' (string)
input.xkb.layout = 'us' (string)
input.xkb.model = 'evdev' (string)
input.xkb.options = 'terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' (string)
input.xkb.rules = 'base' (string)
input.xkb.variant = '' (string)
  • OK, notou que está apontando para teclado com layout americano, certo?
  • Copie o arquivo /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi para /etc/hal/fdi/policy/
#cp /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/
  • Edite o arquivo /etc/hal/fdi/policy e:
na linha que tem merge key="input.xkb.model" type="string" troque evdev por abnt2
na linha que tem merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string" troque us por br
  • Reinicie o hal e teste o 'lshal | grep xkb" novamente:
input.xkb.layout = 'br' (string)
input.xkb.model = 'abnt2' (string)
input.xkb.options = 'terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' (string)
input.xkb.rules = 'base' (string)
input.xkb.variant = '' (string)
input.xkb.layout = 'br' (string)
input.xkb.model = 'abnt2' (string)
input.xkb.options = 'terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' (string)
input.xkb.rules = 'base' (string)
input.xkb.variant = '' (string)
input.xkb.layout = 'br' (string)
input.xkb.model = 'abnt2' (string)
input.xkb.options = 'terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' (string)
input.xkb.rules = 'base' (string)
input.xkb.variant = '' (string)
  • Se estiver com o Xorg rodando, reinicie-o e pronto ;)
Ah pra que tudo isso? Bom, se você está usando um Window Manager como LXDE e Openbox... bom, eles não têm um configurador de layout de teclado como Gnome e o KDE têm. Então...

A real é que eu resolvi testar o LXDE no meu netbook, daí como tive problemas com o layout de teclado dentro do LXDE, o jeito foi aprender mais essa, e por conseguinte compartilhar com a comunidade.

Feita a boa ação de hoje, vou dormir!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

:: Chromium on Slackware - Part 5 ::

Guess what, a quick post to inform that I have updated the chromium.SlackBuild at http://github.com/yucatan/chromium. The 'bigest' change is in regard of something I missed when I first came up with the script. The browser would run very fine, but miorimmax and guax pointed out that the javascript inspector (activated by Ctrl+Shift+J) would not work. So I studied the problem a little bit and found out the 'resources/'d folder was missing in the package. Now that's fixed and the inspector is working ;)

There are also binary packages there, i486 for slackware-13.1 and x86_64 for slackware64-current.

Oh, and most important, my slackbuild was accepted at www.slackbuilds.org. But, the version which is available there is the old one. Wait just a bit to download it (if you don't trust the script from my github repository) because I have already submited the update to SBo.

OK, job done

Friday, October 08, 2010

:: Chromium on Slackware - Part 4 ::

A very quick post to inform that I finally created a repository for this project on github: github.com/yucatan/chromium

Now all the updates will be done there. Enough of waiting on rapidshare for you guys ;)

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

:: Chromium on Slackware - Part 3 ::

OOOOK, more news on the subject. I finally built chromium packages from those smaller sources, so a new slackbuild was born and new packages of chromium are ready. Plus, a new dependency (yasm) showed up, but that's no big deal. On Slackware64-13.1 and current we already have the package for yasm. If you are running Slackware-13.1 (32bit) you will need to build the package yourself (get the the slackbuild here.

Bellow are the links to download the slackbuild and the packages:
Edit: I just edited the links above!

OK, have fun and don't forget to tell me if you have any problem with them.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

:: Chromium on Slackware - Part 2 ::

A very quick post just to share the news. Today I came up with the SlackBuild script for Chromium, plus two new packages, one for x86 and one for x86_64. Ah, and I changed the repository from mediafire to rapidshare.

To download go here (the links are now dead, please the post "Part 3"). It should open a "folder" containing the three files. Download whatever suits you best.

Feedback is welcome, of course.

Friday, October 01, 2010

:: Chromium on Slackware ::

OK, unlike other Chrome/Chromium packages for Slackware we see "floating" around the internet, this time we DO have a Chromium package which is REALLY made for slackware. What's the problem with the other packages? Well they were made like one of these options:
  1. people pick up DEB (or RPM) packages, unpack them, then repack as TGZ or TXZ
  2. people pick up the builds google release, then make packages (TGZ or TXZ) for slackware.
OK, you still don't have a clue for what is the problem, right? Simple to show. Please open your Chrome/Chromium on slackware, then go to any site you can upload files. Now choose to upload a JPEG/JPG file. Yes, your browser crashed as soon as you clicked on that JPG file, right?

"WHAT THE HELL HAS JUST HAPPENED?" You might be asking yourself (or me). I posted a bug repport about that (like many other users, even of many other distros, did). So the good people on google (chrome/chromium team) said the problem is related to libjpeg. They use one version of libjpeg when building their packages (for Debian/Ubuntu or RedHat). Then on Slackware we have a different version of libjpeg. When Chrome tries to create/show the preview for that JPG file you clicked (to try and upload) some sort of "conflict" shows up and the browser goes to hell. They (google) advise to compile chrome from source, which should remove the problem.

So yesterday I finally took time to download all that HUGE source code (more than 800MB) of chromium. Decompressed it, synced with their SVN... and then I compiled Chromium ON SLACKWARE, FOR SLACKWARE.

That said, now we have packages (chromium and deps) for Slackware64-13.1 on the links bellow:


(the above links are all dead now. Please see the post "Part 3")

As soon as I get a VM running slackware-13.1 (32bits) I will get packages for that architecture too.

OK, let me know if you have any problems using these packages, chromium, etc.

Lunch time.